6.1 Introduction

This section contains videos by job recruiters and career training specialists who discuss the characteristics of effective responses to behavioural interview questions (in other words, questions that begin with phrases such as, “Tell me about a time when you…”). They also talk about how using the Star Story Technique can help you prepare to answer these questions.

In Sections 1 – 5, you wrote STAR stories in preparation for behavioural interview questions. You also had opportunities during your studies to gather these stories through:

  1. Course assignments/activities (simulations, labs, field studies, group presentations, etc.)
  2. Work-integrated learning opportunities (co-op work experience, practicums, clinical practice, etc.).

Employers believe that the best way to predict how you will perform in a work setting in the future is to look at how you performed in the past. In other words, to ask you questions about your work experience and how you approached or dealt with different situations.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Identify the characteristics of effective responses to behavioural interview questions.